Kiribil Sarea European Curriculum


Youth exchanges:

  • Basque Country-Northern Ireland 2010
  • Basque Country-Northern Ireland 2011
  • Basque Country-Northern Ireland 2012
  • Basque Country-Italy 2012
  • Basque Country-Northern Ireland 2013
  • Basque Country-Germany 2013
  • Poland-Czech Republic-Basque Country 2014
  • Basque Country-Germany 2014
  • Basque Country-Italy 2016
  • Arcachon (France) 2017

EU Study Visits:

  • Northern Ireland/Scotland 2010
  • Germany 2012
  • Basque Country 2012
  • Denmark 2013
  • Catalonia 2014
  • Italy 2015
  • Ansalusia 2016
  • Aquitania 2017
  • Sicily 2018

EU Trainings:

  • Tic-Tac Training Course in Bulgaria
  • (You)man rights – Training course about Human Rights in Rome (Italy)


  • Kiribil Sarea get the SOHO ACREDITATION in 2016
  • Basque Volunteer sent to Nancy (France) in 2017
  • Basque Volunteer sent to Czech Republic in 2018

EU Seminars:

  • European leadership in Belfast 2012
  • Exchange the Exchange in Berlin 2013
  • PBA Europe and Me: Action Now in Skopje (Macedonia) 2014
  • International seminar about Regional and minorities languages and relationship with the national community in Trento (italy) 2017

Other Projects at European Level:



Kiribil Sarea signed a collaboration with EDE Foundation and Biscay Regional Government in order to develop a European Youth Project in Basque Country between 2014 and 2016. This project is granted by European Commission; (Youth in Action - Action 4.6 — Partnerships)

  • Partaidetza Training (International Training about Youth Participation)
  • In peace Building (European Seminar about Peace and Divided Societies)
  • Astialdian Skills (European Seminar about youth worker certifications)
  • ReJobCreation (International Seminar about youth employment)



Project between young people from Bizkaia and Pau (France). Organised together with EDE Fundazioa, Pistes Solidaires, Région Aquitaine, Basque Government and the Provincial Council of Bizkaia.



Young people from Bizkaia and France participated. Organised together with EDE Fundazioa, Pistes Solidaires, Région Aquitaine, Basque Government and the Provincial Council of Bizkaia.



Community based Entrepreneurship Action Learning Program funded by Erasmus+.

The purpose of this NETWORK is to create an action learning model for formal and non-formal educational institutions to build community based entrepreneurship programs, fostering collaborations between students and youth in underprivileged communities. Developed from March 2015 to October 2016.

The Community-based Entrepreneurship Action-Learning Network, aims to extract “good practices” and tools from creating learning spaces shared by communities, youth and educational institutions, which can propel community-based social entrepreneurship. Using as a pillar the successful Brazilian methodology, the Oasis Game and Elos Philosophy.

During the project we run pilot programs that will be lead and implemented by our 6 partner organizations in 5 countries. (Germany, UK, Belgium, Holland, Spain and Basque Country)

Exchanging learnings, adding existing experiences and tools, to collectively build an innovative and strong curriculum to apply and spread in current and new countries.



European Project funded by European Commission and developed by six organizations from four countries, (Spain, Slovakia, Portugal and Italy) during 2017 and 2018.

This project aims promote the social inclusion through non formal education and leisure activities.

The objectives of the project are:

  • To promote the field of educational leisure time as a space for social inclusion.
  • To train youth leaders and young people to carry put initiatives to incorporate competencies, values, capacity and methodologies that promote social inclusion through educational leisure time.
  • To adapt youth and education programs to new challenges and, in particular, to work with migrants and refugees.
  • To map good practices, methodologies, and training activities to promote these processes of inclusion.




Activities for children:

  • Drawing contests and production of Kiribil Sarea's calendar:
    • Promoting the use of Basque
    • Care for the environment
    • Interculturality
    • Diversity of people
  • Human Rights Project with Bakeola
    • Cooperative games
    • Peters Map
    • Puppets of the conflict
  • Afrika Kontuan: Intercultural Project with the Afric Forum entity.
    • Storytelling in toy libraries and leisure/scout groups.

Activities for teens:

  • Common activitieswith different youth programs and clubs.
  • Udako Jaia:
    • Mastertxef: Gastronomic competition
    • Gazte Olinpiadak: Championship of different sports
    • Parties with different activities
  • A25N:
    • Awareness raising on violence against women.
  • Cantera Project: Educational itinerary for youth participation in educational centres.
  • Human Rights Project with Bakeola
    • Urban art and coexistence
    • Ginkana
    • Sare ON: Appropriate use of new technologies.
  • Volunteer Project

Youth activities:

  • Creando Futuro Project: An education pathway for youth participation; in the field of non-formal education. 
  • Kiribil Sarean 2.0: Social networks in education with young people.

Social workers and educators:

Training sessions and actions:

  • Communication:
    • Video maker
    • Poster design
    • Communicate
    • Collaborative tools
    • Prezi Presentations
    • Social networks
  • Sexual diversity
  • Functional diversity
  • Appropriate use of new technologies
  • Storytelling tools
  • Games and dynamics
  • Basic notions to support erotica in adolescenceor toxic boyfriends.

Activities for adults:

Meetings and training for adults

  • Drugs and adolescence
  • Positive family relationships
  • Self-esteem in adolescence
  • Accompanying you in your studies
  • Unlimited punishment?
  • Coeducation in my home
  • Resolution of conflicts with our children, and how we manage them. 
  • Educating children/daughters/grandchildren from respect and understanding.
  • Educate daughters and sons on the basis of equality between men and women.
  • Social networks and the education of children.

Community Activities:

OASIS Methodology: Different experiences were carried out by OASIS Bizkaia (Kiribil Sarea and EDE Fundazioa) in different places: Uribarri (Bilbao), Merkatua (Portugalete), Hernani and Herrera (Gipuzkoa).

Other projects:

  • Aizu! Informa zaitez!
    The objective: to promote and bring available resources for the prevention and promotion of healthy habits to adolescents and young people, as well as to facilitate their access through awareness and information to them and also to social workers and educators.
  • Study visits:
    With the aim of getting to know other European realities and projects:
    Belfast (Northern Ireland), Edinburgh (Scotland), Berlin (Germany), Copenhagen (Denmark), Barcelona (Catalonia), Milan (Italy), Seville-Cádiz (Andalusia) and Aquitanie (France).

Accompaniment to the entities of Kiribil Sarea:

Integral accompaniment to the entities, groups,.....:

  • Economic
  • Legislative
  • Strategic
  • Ideological
  • Formative


  • Kiribil Sarea
  • Ganbara Elkargunea, Calle Ronda s/n. 48005 Bilbao
  • Tlf: 688881374

entidades kiribil







OASIS Bizkaia





Astialdi Kongresua



concurso de dibujo

concurso de dibujo

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