Who are we?


We are a network of nonprofit institutions of local social initiatives, we work for community empowerment through socio-educational programs at the municipal level.

We set up as a network for:

  • facilitate coordination between the partners,
  • To accompany educators, both professional and voluntary, in their work and in their personal and profesional career development,
  • promote our socioeducative model, which born from the leisure time and non formal education,
  • provide support for improved management of the partners and
  • develop programs and projects jointly, adressed to kids, teenegers, families and communities.

And we develop all our actions with multidisciplinary teams, made up of volunteers and professionals.


We want to become a referenced network for socio-educational local projects, mainly in Bizkaia and in the future at Basque Country level.

We hope that our community development model could be the framework for project designers and the public administration, beginning of bet on this model as a management practice in local programs.

We have a network of consolidated entities, with a solid management team and trained staff for the development of the projects we undertake.

Our Values


  • Cooperation:
    As the joint work carried out by the partners to achieve a shared goal.
  • Transparency:
    as a procedure to perform our actions in public (internal and external to our agents of interest), as a legitimate means of democratic participation of our bases.
  • Exchange:
    Reciprocal actions, services and experiences among partner organizations.
  • Democracy:
    is understood as a model of government that guarantees the participation of the people who compose the organization.
  • Respect for diversity
    as a criteria for the development of projects tailored to each local reality in which we participate.
  • Social Transformation,
    conscious, planned, sustained and based on existing needs, affects personal and community development.
  • Sustainability:
    understood as the ability of entities to develop the proposed projects from Kiribil Sarea and involving their bases.
  • Cooperation:
    As the common work carried out by the partner entities to achieve a shared objective.
  • Innovation:
    Attitude to know new initiatives, to share them and study them in order to later experiment and evaluate them, with the aim of incorporating new and alternative ideas into our action.


  • Kiribil Sarea
  • Ganbara Elkargunea, Calle Ronda s/n. 48005 Bilbao
  • Tlf: 688881374

entidades kiribil







OASIS Bizkaia





Astialdi Kongresua



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